Why The Gonstead System Is Considered The Gold Standard In Chiropractic Care in Torrance
Why The Gonstead System Is Considered The Gold Standard In Chiropractic Care in Torrance
The Gonstead system of chiropractic is widely recognized throughout world as one of the best methods in diagnosing and adjusting the spine. The method focuses on adjusting the spine, pelvis, and extremities as precisely as possible. Unlike other methods of chiropractic, there are no random manipulations applied to various bones and joints – each adjustment is made using precise methodology. It is the Gonstead chiropractors’ inclination to master one area – rather than relying on multiple techniques and therapies – that puts them ahead of the pack.
The Gonstead system of chiropractic
Unlike other chiropractic systems which utilize a variety of techniques, the Gonstead system is based on the original principles of chiropractic, which targets the main cause of a patient’s health problems. The system’s focus and dedication to specificity is what makes the Gonstead approach the gold standard in spinal adjustments.
Gonstead chiropractors in Torrance focus on analyzing the spine as a whole, emphasizing on functions of the nervous system. The method of spinal assessment is more precise and thorough compared to ones used in other chiropractic approaches.
A Gonstead spinal assessment analyzes the spine using five main criteria:
- Visualization
- Instrumentation
- Static Palpation
- Motion Palpation
- X-ray Analysis
After conducting a thorough analysis, the chiropractor will then determine if chiropractic manipulation is required. Adjustments using the Gonstead approach are designed to be as accurate, specific, and precise as possible, focusing solely on subluxations in the spine. Adjustments are performed by hand using quick, focused, yet gentle pressure. While performing the adjustment, a chiropractor will take great care to ensure that the patient is placed in a safe, biomechanically correct position to make the adjustment as gentle and precise as possible.
After an adjustment is successfully performed, the body will then begin its natural way of self-healing, restoring normal function to the spine and improving the patient’s range of movement.
For many years, the Gonstead approach has been very popular with patients throughout the world, because of its safe, gentle, and thorough procedure, in addition to its proven track record of providing lasting results after just a short period.
About Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead
Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead (1898-1978) applied his knowledge in mechanical engineering to the human spine, which he saw as a complex and intricate biomechanical wonder.
Through his expertise in engineering, he developed unique ideas on diagnostic procedures, manipulations, and subluxations using empirical data collected from his practice, which later on changed the very nature of chiropractic.
His technique was eventually adopted by the Palmer School of Chiropractic during the 1960s, helping restore the chiropractic profession to its full-spine foundation.
Dr. Gonstead is credited with multiple innovations and accomplishments in the field of chiropractic treatment. His innovations impacted the field in different ways. A few of them were modest, such as improving the nervoscope, knee-chest table, and zenith Hylo table. Others were groundbreaking: a chiropractic x-ray machine, x-ray line making system, split-screen x-ray film cassettes, and adjusting the cervical spine in a sitting position.
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
New Health Medical
1628 Cravens Avenue
Torrance, CA 90501
(310) 787-8104